Humanitarian Response
Work Done
- Training of 49 Community Based Organisations and Communication for development actors on Essential Family Practices (EFP) and social cohesion in 9 divisions in the North West and South West regions
- 45,000 IDPs and Host communities were sensitized and trained on essential family practices and social cohesion in churches, meetings, community squares, bushes, and households in 9 divisions in NW( Momo, Mezam, Boyo, Ngoketunjia and Menchum and SW ( Meme, Fako, Manyu and Ndian )regions.
- Sensitization was also carried out through Radios slot, and micro programs in 5 out of 9 targeted radios: Radio evangelium and Abakwa FM in Momo, Boyo, Mezam, and Menchum. Mediafrique for Fako, Lake Side radio for Meme, and Radio Evangelium for Manyu Division
- Identified , recruited and trained 300 health actors on specific emergency health intervention
- Consulted and treated 17,797 children under age of 5 for the 3 killer diseases that is Malaria, Diarrhea and Pneumonia in 14 health districts in the NW and SW region
- 23,300 LLINs was provided to identified households and families in 14 health districts in NW and SW regions of Cameroon
- 1428 pregnant women received at least 3 doses of Intermittent preventive treatment, iron and Folic acid
- 87,056 IEC materials on EFP was distributed to families in 14 health districts in public places, bushes and community squares
- 19 feedback and complaint mechanism put in place and are functioning
- 10 dialogue sessions were organized on EFP, meetings with male, female adolescents, access to humanitarian assistances and organize mass campaigns and communicate outreach activities to the community
- Recruited and trained 20 CHW, 20 community mobilizers and 20 traditional authorities in Bamenda III subdivision i.e. Nkwen health area
- Provided 4 hand washing stations to Chinde learning center and ST. Paul Primary school
- Screened 317 elderly persons above 60 years in Nkwen health area with thermo flash for Covid 19
- Trained 100 vulnerable women on how to produce face mask and locally made hand sanitizer
- Focus group discussion in the local language, and sensitization of 3000 people using IEC materials with targeted messages
- Trained more than 120 nurses from poor rural communities all over the country
- Provision of health equipment’s (8 ward bed, 8 side cupboard and 8 drip stand, delivery beds, 4 tables, 4 benches and 8 chairs) to Akumlam Health center in mile 8 Mankon.
- construction of complete maternity block and provision of 4 ward beds, 4 sides cup,
- 4 drip stand, 2 tables, 4 chairs,1 delivery bed and gas cupboard and gas stand in
- Construction of complete maternity block and provision of 4 ward beds, 4 sides cup, 4 drip stand, 2 tables, 4 chairs,1 delivery bed and gas cupboard and gas stand in Banin Baloun health center.
Insufficient funding in relation to the demands of the public, denominational and private health stakeholders has been the major challenge to SHUMAS. With the degeneration of humanitarian crisis in Cameroon and the Anglophone crisis in particular, the situation has been worsen as more health centers are becoming non-functional.