

Cameroon like many African countries south of the Sahara is blessed with rich agricultural potentials. Unfortunately these potentials remain largely untapped and majority of poor peasant farmers face challenges like lack of farm inputs, poor road networks, limited information on farming techniques and limited financial support. Agriculture has been significantly interrupted by humanitarian crises in the NWSW, Far North and East regions of Cameroon.


To contribute to increasing food security and ending hunger amongst poor peasant farmers by training them on sustainable agriculture and supporting them with micro-credit and materials to set up their farms

  • Developing urban and peri-urban agriculture
  • Insertion of trainees through provision of startup capital and materials
  • Training of IDP household heads on livestock production and market gardening and providing them with startup materials
  • Insufficient funds to help in the insertion of trainees and the many IDPs seeking help for agricultural productions.
  • Given the fact that the training is pro poor, funds are insufficient to get materials as majority of the trainees cannot afford to pay their registration fee.

Training of poor peasant farmers and unemployed youths continues while SEDA keep on outsourcing ways to get more funding to meet up with the afore mention challenges.