GBV & Protection


Gender Based Violence and Protection is pervasive in times of peace. In times of crisis, GBV and protection may become more extreme. In armed conflicts, one form of GBV, sexual violence, can become so widespread and systematic that it is considered a method of war and can escalate into crime against humanity. With the humanitarian crises (Anglophone crisis in the NWSW, the Boko Haram in the far north and the rebels in the east region from CAR) GBV and protection issues have been on the increase in these regions. Sexual violence, sexual exploitation, forced prostitution etc have been on the rise within these crises.

SHUMAS Gender and Protection program has been actively responding to the needs of the population of NWSW Regions of Cameroon in survivor targeting, service provision to survivors, referral in complex cases, follow up of survivor’s, engagement men and boys in the fight against GBV, provision on wash materials to fight COVID19 and not living out the distribution of dignity kits to both girls and women.

SHUMAS programming is survivor centered, ensuring the safety of the survivor, confidentiality and respect for the survivor and her/his right to informed choice. Ensuring women’s and adolescent girl’s full participation, as well as engaging men and young people in fundamental to promoting civilian protection from GBV.

GBV and protection

The objective of the program is promoting equality between women, girls, men and boys and protection of all during project implementation especially within the humanitarian crises situations.

Operating within these humanitarian crises, SHUMAS follows the principles and policies put together to ensure the security, safety, integrity and dignity of humans in line to international human right law. Our projects are designed and carried out in such a way that, it does not increase beneficiaries’ (survivors) risk in terms of their safety, dignity and integrity.

For Gender and Protection SHUMAS provides the following services

  • Mainstreaming of Gender and Protection in all humanitarian and development projects
  • GBV sensitization and need assessment
  • Capacity building and trainings for GBV personnel,
  • Youths and adult targeting programs and
  • GBV risk mitigation
  • Psychosocial Support for GBV victims

Protection services for affected populations

  • GBV and Protection sensitization and need assessment have reached 85.2% for all SHUMAS projects
  • Capacity building and training of SHUMAS personnel on GBV is at 45%
  • In all SHUMAS projects since 2019, 52% of all beneficiary men and boys have been engaged in the fight against GBV
  • GBV risk mitigation strategies put in place for all SHUMAS projects
  • 60% of survivors registered by SHUMAS have either been provided assistance or referred to other competent organizations
  • The major challenge here is the insufficient funding available for humanitarian response for the crisis. Without funding, much cannot be done for the survivors and by this some of them easy fall back as victims once more.
  • Many of the victims do find it very challenging to come forward and report their situations and therefore cannot be offered any form of help.
  • Very few services providers are available on ground to offer timely services to survivors especially victims of sexual violence. With the difficulty in moving from hard to reach areas to the city some of them give up.

SHUMAS will continue to offer GBV and protection services while seeking more funding to help as many survivors as possible.